Wands at the ready! Codenames just got a magical makeover with Codenames:Harry Potter. With all the spellbinding fun of the original Codenames Duet,players must work together to unveil the correct cards before time runs out orthe dark magic takes over.
This game is a real keeper for any Harry Potter fan. The cards featureenchanting images from the Wizarding World, from wands to potions, and even acertain bespectacled boy wizard. With puns galore and references to all yourfavorite characters, you'll be laughing so hard you'll think you've had a sip ofFelix Felicis.
So gather your fellow Hogwarts housemates and put your heads together toguess the hidden words and phrases on the cards. And remember, always stayvigilant and watch out for any Death Eaters or other dark creatures that may belurking about. With Codenames: Harry Potter, the magic is always at yourfingertips.